sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

What are toy dogs?

Well, toy dogs or also commonly referred to as small dogs, are small breeds of dogs that include a variety of dog types such as Spaniels, Pinschers, and Terriers. Many toy dogs are also referred to as lapdogs because they are small enough to be held in your arms or lay comfortably in your lap. The origin of toy dogs
 can be traced back many centuries ago and in all countries, but back then they usually lived in the homes of the wealthy and were considered to be status symbols. Many centuries ago there were more types of toy dogs than there are now a day but due to certain circumstances many were extinct. One example of these incidents would be the "Pocket Beagle," this dog was known as far back as the 16th century but it was extinct in the late 1930s. Toy breeds are ideally suited to domestic living, they are very intelligent and trainable by nature, their exercise regiment is modest, and most importantly they live longer than larger dogs. Small dogs come in different sizes, colours, personalities but if you're looking for a life-time companion and a pet which will be with you through the good and bad the best option would be a Shih Tzu.

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